Friday, March 02, 2007

Daily Double - Slow Day Edition

  1. Dr. Elliot Pellman stepped down as the director of the NFL’s concussion committee yesterday. He will be replaced by Dr. Ira Casson, a neurologist from Nassau, N.Y., and Dr. David Viano, a biomechanical engineer from Wayne State University. Considering that Dr. Pellman is a rheumatologist, he wasn’t exactly qualified from the get go. Oh and he is also the team doctor for the Jets, so there is an apparent conflict of interest.

    So this is a good thing right? The NFL is finally taking this issue seriously, yes? Eh, we shall see. Yes, these two doctors are not affiliated with any team, but what compensation do they get from the league? This is the same league that is run by the team owners who have a conflict of interest when it comes to the availability of the players they employ.

    Now, my free-market mind recognizes that there are owners who make sure not to endanger their employees and they are probably rewarded by players wanting to stay with that team and other players wanting to come and play for said team. I’m also cool with the idea that the players are free to choose what team to play for and in fact whether they should play with injury or not. I also recognize that these players are compensated very well to play the sport. However, those assumptions are based on sound medical advice being given to the player in order to make a decision. And I question whether team or league doctors are in the position to give sound medical advice.

  2. It’s kind of a slow day around here, so three quick blurbs and we are out for the weekend.

    File this one under the “It was just a joke” category with John Kerry’s plea to get an education. Evidently the Celtics are employing Archie Bunker as their color analyst.

    Splitting time between harassing Jewish kids and doing color for the Celtics

    Jake Plummer = Master Negotiator. Jake the Snake wants to come to Houston so badly that he probably spending time in the humidor at Coors Field to acclimatize.

    John Daly, the picture of fitness (not that I should be talking or anything) pulls a muscle trying to stop his backswing. Funny, normally when I have had a six-pack or two, the muscles are pretty loose.

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